CONTENUR commences its commercial operations in Indonesia
CONTENUR, a leading company in comprehensive containerisation for solid urban waste (SUW) in cities, has commenced commercial operations in Indonesia with the supply of waste containers. This is one more step in CONTENUR’s growth strategy in the region, which recently set up a commercial branch office in the area and already has regular commercial operations in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Taiwan.
The Republic of Indonesia is an insular country between the Asiatic South West and Oceania, which is made up of approximately 17,500 islands that have a population of around 255 million inhabitants and form the fourth most populated country in the world.
The company to which the containers have been supplied has initially selected those of 120, 240 and 660 litres and will be deploying them at the main towns and cities on the Island of Java, such as Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Semarang and Yogjakarta.